Products & Services

Three levels of technology engagement for any organization


Fleet reporting for filtering down to details

Vehicle Location | Trip History | Speed | Idle | Exceptions | Customer Visits| Engine Hours | Summary | Behavior | Inactivity | Landmark | Alerts | Tampering | Odometer | State Distance | Events | Tow Alert | Workday | Routing | Custom 


Fleet Dashboards providing digestible data

Trends | Averages | Graph | Pie Chart | Ranking | Usage | Violations | Custom Rules

Hierarchal Grouping to Match Your Organizational Structure

Security | Group Set-Up | Vehicle Assignments | Driver ID | User Set-Up | Enterprise

Fuel Card integration to monitor fuel purchase with location verification

Fuel Transaction | Gallons | Location | Usage | MPG | Efficiency

Vehicle inspection Reporting to help extend the life of your asset


An exclusive service engaging award-winning fleet technology with your organization targeting position-specific level use and goals. An Integrated level of service is a professional, consultative process managed by a FleetBoss veteran developed by over twenty years of telematics field and deployment experience. FleetBoss will integrate the unique needs of your business with the perfect combination of cutting-edge technologies, strategic data collection, custom reporting and specific, goal-focused processes.

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